Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Short Writing Assignment 3

Short Writing Assignment 3

Q 1. What does Diamond (1999) mean when he describes the state as a complex kleptocracy ?

Q 2. Who do you think provides a more convincing answer to the question of why people need the state, Hobbes (1651) or Diamond (1999)? Why? 3. How does a protection racket work?4. Why does Tilly (1985) describe the modern state as a form of protection racket?5. Do you agree with Tilly’s description of the state? Why, or why not?

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In very simple terms, Kleptocracy refers to a system of government which is comprised of people who are corrupt politically and financially self-interested. Diamond described state as a complex Kleptocracy and he gives four reasons for the same. Conflict which occurs between unrelated strangers is one important reason which destroys the balance of society. There is a growing sense of impossibility attributed to communal decision making. Without proper structure and centralized decisions making, stability is impossible. Then there are economic considerations which calls for an equal distribution of wealth. The last and most important reason is the population density and space issues.